violin - voice - acting
Sound installations and exhibitions
Soundsculpture, music boxes & "watertransparanten"
Muziekdozen![]() |
Performances![]() |
Watertransparanten![]() |
(click on the pictures to see a complete overview...)
Catalogue "Klankenbos",
with sound installations by Baudouin Oosterlynck, Pierre Berthet, Moniek Darge and many others edited by Musica
Performances and exhibitions with Music Boxes + voice and or soundscapes:
- 2020: Solo LP Bratschebraut, art edition, Horn of Plenty, London
- 2020: Music box and Glass Music Box demonstration for S.M.A.K. exhobotion, Ghent
- 2020: Soundscapes Egypt, work in progress
- 2020: Joshua Minsoo Kim interview USA
- 2019: Logos Women and VocColours concert and performance, Art gallery,Köeln, Germany
- 2019: Solo soundscape concert and performance "Tamil Nadu", Boem Fesival, Antwerp
- 2019: Solo Jabbertalk concert and performance, Kompas youth, Gent
- 2019: Performance participation Monali Meher (with a.o. Lara Van Wynsberghe)
- 2019: Soundscaping in Heyd (Wallonia)
- 2019: Logos Women performance with Unexpected Mood - VocColours, Essen, Germany
- 2019: Erfgoeddag exhibition and performance Glass Music Boxes
- 2019: Duo performances with Iouri Grandkin at Insel Hombroich, Düsseldorf, Germany
- 2019: Egypt, soundscapings Nile and the deserts
- 2018: Egypt, soundscaping the Nile
- 2018: Robot tango concert (Godfried-Willem Raes)
- 2018: Torino, soundscapes
- 2018: Kinderkunstendag exhibition and performance Glass Music Boxes
- 2018: soundscapes for LP 50 years Logos and article "Logos Duo in Ruanda"
- 2018: 50 years Logos, week of the "Watertransparanten" in the Krook,Gent
- 2018: 50 years Logos, Glass Music Boxes in Kina Museum, Gent
- 2018: 50years Logos, Soudscapes in the Consouling Store te Gent
- 2018: International Intuitive Music Conference
- 2018: Venice, soundscapes
- 2018: Kultuurmarkt (Music Boxes), Gent
- 2018: Light Art Ensemble created with Iouri Grankin en Barbara Buchowiec
- 2018:50 years Logos, concert Logos Women (with Karin De Fleyt, Françoise and Barbara)
- 2018: 50 years Logos, Parade with Toetkuip (Godfried-Willem Raes)
- 2018: 50 years Logos, Logos Duo Concert
- 2017: Iceperformance, Tetraeder Gent
- 2017: Kinderkunstendag, Gent
- 2017: Torino, soundscape concerts (in collaboration with Francoise Vanhecke)
- 2016: Mexico, Museo Tamaco (in collaboration with Francoise Vanhecke)
- 2016: KANTL, Gent
- 2015: Bib Gent
- 2015: Kindervoorstelling, Tetraeder Gent
- 2015: KANTL, Gent
- 2014: Kinderkunstendag, Gent
- 2014: London, Cafe OTO, Soho
- 2014: Kultuurmarkt, Gent
- 2014: KANTL, Gent
- 2014: Kerm, Brussel
- 2014: Budapest (in collaboration with Francoise Vanhecke)
- 2014: Kindervoorstelling, Tetraeder Gent
- 2013: Hi Mat [ performance ]
- 2013: Ocean Box
- 2013: RR (in collaboration with Francoise Vanhecke)
- 2012: Muziekdoos
- 2012: Other Minds
- 2012: Pralinedoos [Nieuwe Muziekdoos Performance]
- 2012: SINO
- 2012: Water Music Box
- 2012: Lichtspel
- 2012: Emergency Music Box I, II, III
- 2012: Three Sunbeams (In collaboration with the Logos crew)
- 2011: Tamil Nadu [ performance ]
- 2011: Gallop : (In collaboration with Francoise Vanhecke) [ performance ]
- 2011: RobbieBobbie (In collaboration with Floesj)
- 2011: Smart Music Box
- 2011: Nieuwe Muziekdoos Performance
- 2010: A Mouse's Dream (In collaboration with Jean-Pierre De Smet)
- 2010: KUTSU-KU
- 2010: Wierook
- 2010: Boontjes
- 2010: Websprokkels (ism. De Logos Women)
- 2009: Brighton, Colour out of Space Festival, Logos Women, FraMon (with Françoise Vanhecke)
- 2009: Bijloke concert hall, Gent
- 2009: Museum Dhondt Dhaenens, Deurle
- 2009: Logos Tetrahedron, Gent
- 2009: Infusoria Festival Krikri, Brussels
- 2009: Infusoria Festival Krikri, Gent
- 2009: Ei huis, Gent
- 2008: Gent Art Library, Univ. Gent
- 2008: Intro In Situ, Maastricht, Netherlands
- 2008: Ei huis, Gent
- 2008: Logos Tetrahedron, Gent (Wii interfacing music box performance)
- 2007: Logos Tetrahedron, Gent (school performances)
- 2007: Logos Tetrahedron, Gent (Gourmet's delight)
- 2007: Eke, De Groene Vallei: Open Deurdagen Bloemenserre
- 2007: Festival van Vlaanderen, Mezureput, Zingem
- 2006: Nijmegen, Internationaal Orgelfestival
- 2006: Klankenbos, Dommelhof, Neerpelt, Belgium, Music Box Performance met Maja Jantar
- 2005: Fisher Price Performance
- 2005: Emergency Music Box Performance
- 2005: Music Box Perfromance, Logos Tetraeder, Gent, Belgium, voor Leefgemeenschap Klavertje 4
- 2004: Happy New Ears Festival, Kortrijk, Belgium, with Horst Rickels and Barbara Buchowiec
- 2004: "Peace Robot" solo performance by Moniek Darge with the peace flag and her newly made Peace Robot
- 2004: ADVENTURES FESTIVAL, Korzo Theater, Den Haag, Netherlands, "Playing in the Robot Garden" a two days long composer's portret of Moniek Darge
- 2003: Kamerton Festival, Pescara, Italy, BasiaMo (Logos Women) Performance with Barbara Buchowiec and Moniek Darge
- 2003: Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona, L.E.M.FESTIVAL, "Music Box Performance" solo performance by Moniek Darge with her "Robot and Music Box Kit" and electric violin, voice, acting
- 2003: "Emergency Kit for Robots" solo performance by Moniek Darge with her Emergency Robot Kit
- 2003: Yugoslavia, Servia, Beograd, SKC main hall, FESTIVAL APRIL MEETINGS "Music Box Performance" solo performance by Moniek Darge with her "Robot and Music Box Kit" and electric violin, voice, acting
- 2002: BRUGGE2002: Gallery ArtoNivo: seven "Music Box Performances" solo performances by Moniek Darge with several of her Music Boxes
- 2002: Canada, New Foundland, St.John's, LSPU Hall, FESTIVAL SOUNDSYMPOSIUM: "Puffin Box Performance" solo performance with her "Puffin Box"
Intermedia performances, soundscape compositions and electroacoustic music:
Scores (manuscripts and withdrawn pieces) available in the Logos Archives:
21st century:
- 2020: Quarantine Butterfly (soundscape), New York, Festival Amplify 2020: quarantine
- 2020: Quarantine Child (soundscape), New York, Festival Amplify 2020: quarantine
- 2019-20: Egypt Nile and Desert Soundies (soundscapes), work in progress
- 2019: Intuitive music with Iouri Grandkin (voice) and Barbara Buchowiec (viola)
- 2019: Soundscapes Heyd (Wallonia), work in progress
- 2018-19: Egypt Nile Soundie (soundscape and video)
- 2017 : Sacred Bali Soundies, Mauro's song CD release KYE (New York)
- 2016 : Koudvuur, Warmvuur (talking flames performance)
- 2016 : Gekko & Chici, Balinese night (soundscape Bali)
- 2016 : Frogs, Balinese rice fields (soundscape Bali)
- 2016 : Scratches (soundscape Bali)
- 2015 : Birds (soundscape Bali)
- 2015 : Alarm Crickets (soundscape Bali)
- 2015 : Sacred Bali Soundies (soundscape)
- 2014 : Indian Weather Trap (collectieve soundscape ism Graham Lambkin)
- 2014 : Ladakh (soundscape)
- 2014 : Taktiel (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2014 : Performance zonder naam (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2014 : Muziekdoosperformance (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2014 : Bourgoyen
- 2014 : Alviceba voor M&M (In collaboration with Xavier Verhelst)
- 2013 : Dans rond gouden kalf (In collaboration with Zam Ebale)
- 2013 : Blank music voor M&M
- 2013 : Question Marks (In collaboration with Francoise Vanhecke & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2013 : Rolling Robots (In collaboration with Francoise Vanhecke & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2013 : Flying (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2013 : Drie x Kracht (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers & Zam Martino Ebalé)
- 2012 : 1 + 2 = 3 (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2012 : Spectre-act (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2012 : Ritual Performance (In collaboration with Zam Martino Ebalé & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2012 : Rain (In collaboration with Sebastian Bradt & Godfried-Willem Raes)
- 2012 : Nasdrovje Voor Dripper en kristallen glazen (In collaboration with Sebastian Bradt)
- 2011 : Gallop (collectieve soundscape ism Françoise Vanhecke)
- 2011 : Tamil Nadu (soundsape)
- 2011 : Gyuto (In collaboration with Godfried-Willem Raes & Kristof Lauwers) [ performance ]
- 2011 : Bury Birds II (In collaboration with Zam Martino Ebalé, Kristof Lauwers & Godfried-Willem Raes)
- 2011 : Bury Birds (In collaboration with Zam Martino Ebalé, Kristof Lauwers & Helen White)
- 2010 : Zonder titel ism. Kristof :auwers & Zam Martino Ebalé)
- 2010 : Haremdans (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers & Marian De Schryver)
- 2010 : Afrikaanse Dans (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers & Zam Martino Ebalé)
- 2010 : AlViCeBa Ork. Xavier Verhelst
- 2010 : Laiti 1 (In collaboration with Barbara Buchowiec & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2010 : Laiti 2 (In collaboration with Francoise Vanhecke & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2010 : Laiti 3 (In collaboration with Dominica Eyckmans & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2009 Chaleur / Warmte (In collaboration with Kristof Lauwers & Zam Martino Ebalé)
- 2009: East Crete, Mother Goddess (in collaboration with Françoise Vanhecke)
- 2009: Darkness (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers & Marian De Schryver & Zam Ebalé)
- 2009: Horizon 3 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers & Marian De Schryver & Zam Ebalé)
- 2009: Nein (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2009: Akwarel Blauw (in collaboration with Barbara Buchowiec & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2009: Akwarel Geel (in collaboration with Barbara Buchowiec & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2009: Akwarel Rood (in collaboration with Barbara Buchowiec & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2009: 3 x Start (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2008: Muziekdoosperformance: Lost & Found (in collaboration
with Sebastian Bradt)
hommage to Alison Knowles - 2008: Interfacing Wii in 2 music boxes (in collaboration with Yvan Vander Sanden)
- 2008: Polystories for voice & dance (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2008: Stories for voice & dance (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2008: Interfaces mini performance with 2 masks
- 2008: Interbellum for robot orchestra (in collaboration with Barbara Buchowiec)
- 2008: Animos soundscape composition with sounds of Crete
- 2008: Maxiglitch (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2008: Klanklagen 9 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Hommage to Ake for Ake solo (first automat compostion)
- 2007: Mars (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Litouwse Lente (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Horizon (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Eindjes knopen
- 2007: Mmmmm performance
- 2007: Storing for e-violin & robots (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Horizon 2 for e-violin & robots (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Mars 2 for e-violin & robots (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Klanklagen 10 for Qt (microtonal)
- 2007: Dancing violin 4 (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: HaXiCas (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: XiHaCa (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: I Ching 2 for voice, dance & robots (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Works_four_3 (in collaboration with Barbara Buchowiec & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Imi-lis Macvhine wall (in collaboration with Barbara Buchowiec & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Strings and springs 4 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Cast Piz for e-violin & robots (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: Gimi Picra for e-violin & robots (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2007: After morning Phill 2 (solo)
- 2007: Pool Dance voice, e-violin, dance, casta (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: Kerstwolk (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: 36 views on the stupa (in collaboration with Godfried-Willem Raes, Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: Falling fish
- 2006: Dancing violin 3 (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: Strings and springs 3 (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: After morning Phill 3
- 2006: Huang Shan 2 (in collaboration with Barbara Buchowiec & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: Reo 2 sound poetry and robots (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: Counting down from 7 e-violin, dance and robots (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: TE68 e-violin, vocals, robots (in collaboration with Godfried-Willem Raes & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: Dancing violin 2 e-violin and dance (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: Fugare 1 e-violin & robots (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: Fugare 2 dance and picradars (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver, Godfried-Willem Raes & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: Sirespic (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: "I Ching" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: "Levka Ori" soundscape/ klankschap
- 2006: "Works_4_2" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: "Ake Klanklagen" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2006: "Alarm" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: One view on work for picradars and robots (in collaboration with Marian De Schryver & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: M-Alvi-Ceba interaktief (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: For Ake, Vaca, Tubi (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: Ake klanklagen 1
- 2005: Alarm 1
- 2005: 36 views on the stupa (in collaboration with Godfried-Willem Raes, Nicoletta Branchini & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: "Ruemlingen" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: "Kerst Wolk" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: "Huang Shan" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: "Klanklagen #7" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: "Dancing Violin" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: "Kudari" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: "Streep" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2005: "Le nouveau Bourdonola est arrive" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: Moka robots for flute, violin, robots (in collaboration with Karin De Fleyt & Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: BouPiPi movement and robots (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: "36 views on the stupa" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: "Strings and Springs" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers & Barbara Buchowiec)
- 2004: "Ake Meditaties"
- 2004: "Fast & Furious"
- 2004: "TrumTrom" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: "Tree Oh" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: "Ranger-demo"
- 2004: "Es e = i Es a = o" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: "Two And" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: "Havit" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: "Puftupi" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2004: "King So"
- 2003: "Good Morning Phill" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2003: "Ouverture" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2003: "PlayMobot I & II" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2003: "Hapi" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2003: "Emergency music box 2"
- 2003: "Bomber Handbag"
- 2003: "After Morning Phill"
- 2003: "Duo Drip"
- 2003: "MiniRobot" (collaboration with Barbara Buchowiec)
- 2003: "Jomo"
- 2003: "Klanklagen" (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live electric violin performance with Harma, Bourdonola, Piperola and Vox Humanola modules. (some info in Dutch)
- 2003: Robot Garden 4: Thunderwood (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live electric violin performance introducing the brandnew Tubi robot into the robot orchestra
- 2003: Robot Garden 3: Thunderwood (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live electric violin performance with Thunderwood robot
- 2002: Peace for movement movement and robots (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers)
- 2002: Robot Garden 2 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live electric violin with Player Piano and Dripper, premiered at Audio Art Festival, Krakow, Poland
- 2002: Robot Garden 1 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live violin performance with the complete robot orchestra built by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 2002: Toast, Nasdrovje (in collaboration with Godfried-Willem Raes,
Kristof Lauwers and Bert Vandekerckhove):
performance with the "dripper" automaton of Godfried-Willem Raes
premiere: Audio Art Festival Krakow - 2002: Samu-e (Pakjes) (in collaboration with Jelle Meander): performance with tiny self assembled moving robot, live percussion and textsound
- 2002: M-AlviCeba: for Logos' <M&M> robot orchestra (orchestration by Xavier Verhelst): composition performed automatically by the robots built by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 2002: Machine Wall 7 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live performance by Barbara Buchowiec, viola and Moniek Darge, electric violin, with robots made by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 2002: Machine Wall 6 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live performance with robots made by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 2002: Machine Wall 5 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live performance with robots made by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 2002: Machine Wall 4 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live performance with robots made by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 2002: Machine Wall 3 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live performance with robots made by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 2002: Machine Wall 2 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live performance with robots made by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 2002: Machine Wall 1 (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers): live performance with robots made by Godfried-Willem Raes (CD: LPD008)
- 2001: Turning Wheel: for voice, live violin and soundscape
- 2001: EtudeSolitudeSamplitude: soundscape composition for turning wheels and live violin(s) & fiddle from Mali
- 2001: Parts for Paul: for voice and soundscape, released on the "P-Art Project" CD.
- 2000: MusicBox: graphical improvisational score for flutes played by Karin De Fleyt, enclosed into a wooden cupboard designed by architect Bruno Poelaert
20th century:
- 1974: Kreatief Spel, music game for audience: slides
- 1976: Crowd for percussion or prepared violin with soundscape tape (traffic noise)
- 1978: Rape music theatre, for violin, tape and vocals
- 1980: Sand, for two percussionists with tape (electronics) and one participant in the audience (RealAudio)
- 1980: Rain for one nude performer in a box; voice; rain tape (soundscape)
- 1980: White for solo performer and silence
- 1981: Dark Waves light event; tape (electronics) (RealAudio)
- 1981: Stormfugle for two performers, voice, tape (electronics and voice), slide, film, clarinet and violin (MP3)
- 1982: Antagonism: graphical score for clarinet and violin
- 1982: Series 1 & 2: slides, for CasioTones (electronics)
- 1983: Reo: large graph score in Maori language, for voice
- 1983: Fairy Tale for vocals and tape with koala sounds & dog-growling (soundscape)
- 1984: Kasik for voice lettrism in the Turkish language
- 1984: Bratschebraut, theatrical solo for prepared viola
- 1982-84: Turkish Square: slides, film and tape (soundscape)
- 1984: Series 2 for delayed voices; slides made out of film fragments
- 1984-85: Turkish Square 2: tape with soundscapes, voices, violin, n-dimensional oscillator system built by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 1985: Three Sunbeams for 3 performers playing on carillon bells with contact microphones
- 1985: Solstice Sun: tape with processed sound montage of bells and wooden scaffolding
- 1986: Clouds for violin, slides, tape with sound of the Eurus-Pneumaphone built by Godfried-Willem Raes
- 1986: Conceptual event #1 for Uluru
- 1986: Conceptual event #2 for Thule and Philip Island
- 1987: AbbeySounds installation (audio and visuals)
- 1987: AbbeySounds 2 audio tape (soundscapes and voice)
- 1987-88: Man-Mo 1 soundscape tape with Mali fiddle, Chinese drums, Rwandese Ingoma-drum, tamtams, gongs, guiroes, Chinese templeblocks, bell cymbals, whirlies, alto clarinet and viola (graphical score)
- 1988: Klankboek soundscape i.s.m. Eric De Visscher
- 1988-89: Man-Mo 2 soundscape tape with violin and clarinet (graphical score)
- 1989-90: Man-Mo 3 soundscape tape with violin and clarinet (traditional notation)
- 1989-90: AlviCeba for string ensemble (three 1. violins, two 2. violins, two violas, cello and double bass)
- 1990-91: Man-Mo 4 soundscape tape with violin and recorder
- 1990-91: Hashikura for solo bass singer, male choir, percussion, keyboards and double bass
- 1991: Tohyo: performance for voice, ghetto-blaster, gong and 2 actors
- 1992: ShSh for tape and percussion (MP3)
- 1992: Konbanwa John (in memoriam John Cage): tape with voice and violin
- 1993: For M.D. from M.D. for solo violin (graphical score)
- 1995: Harp for harpsamples and performance
- 1995-97: Caete for soundscapes, live musical objects and duo (MP3)
- 1998: Fantasy C/V: Aurora, solo for pre-recorded and live voices (MP3)
- 1998: Self-Portrait in Sound: Harpje (MP3)
- 1999: Verbondenheid: soundscape composition for voices, Turkish Turtle and live musicians (MP3)
Music Theatre & performance (In collaboration with Godfried-Willem Raes)
- The Wall - a Logos Duo Performance
- Attitudes - by Godfried-Willem Raes, solo performer: Moniek Darge
- ArbeidsLust - by Godfried-Willem Raes, performed by Logos Duo
- Sotto Voce [English notes] [Dutch notes] - a Logos Duo Performance
- Timeframes[English notes] [Dutch notes] - by Godfried-Willem Raes, performed by Logos Duo
- Pneumafoon [English notes] [Dutch notes] - by Godfried-Willem Raes, performed by the Logos Ensemble
- Holosound (English) [Dutch text] [French text], a Logos Duo Performance
- A Book of Moves [German text] [Dutch text], by Godfried-Willem Raes, performed by Logos Duo
- Songbook [Dutch text] [German text] , by Godfried-Willem Raes, performed by Logos Duo
- Fidel Stroh, by Godfried-Willem Raes, solo performer: Moniek Darge
- Fidel C, by Godfried-Willem Raes, solo performer: Moniek Darge
- Ears, with robot orchestra by Godfried-Willem Raes operated by Kristof Lauwers, solo electric violin performer: Moniek Darge (2003)
- Vacca, with robot orchestra by Godfried-Willem Raes, group performance
- TransiTrance, with robot orchestra by Godfried-Willem Raes, duo performance: Godfried-Willem Raes and Moniek Darge
- Sonar ranger demo (2004)
- Ranger (2004)
- La Vacca inauguration (in collaboration with Kristof Lauwers, Godfried-Willem Raes, Nicoletta Branchini) (2005)
- Tangos (2007)
- Music box performance with Picrada Study Xy (2007)
- Shifts with large red goldfish, 40 years Logos (2008)
- Tangos (2008)
- Polyrhythms (2008)
- Logos trio for violin, clarinet and robots) (2008)
- Handy Man for robot orchestra and Handy One (2008)
- Schroeder's dream (comp. Godrief-Willem Raes, exec. solo Moniek Darge) (2008)
- Robot performance, Parade, Erik Sati (with Godfried-Willem and Emilie De Vlam) (2017)
- Robot Tango Concerts with live dance (2010-2019)
- 50 years Logos, Toetkuip parade (2018)
- Robot concert in collaboration with Lara Van Wynsberghe (2019)
- Group composition on "Plus Minus" (with Mattias Parent and Kristof Lauwers) (2019)
- Robot end of the year concert "Einde, Nieuw Begin" (with Kristof Lauwers) (2019)
- Solo performance (aluminium robot concert) on "Plus Minus" installation (2020)
- Robot new year concert with Godfried-Willem Raes (2020)
- live streaming the robots, every Thursday during quarantine (2020)
Happenings and events
- GlassMusic Box Performances (2017-2020)
- Music Box Performances (2000-2020)
- Fisher Surprise (2005)
- Emergency Music Box Performance (2003-2005)
- Plastiek Muziekslang (1978)
- Serpent
- Nude Beach Happening (1980)
- White
- Solstice Event (1985)
- Ohre [English notes] [Dutch notes] [Dutch text]
- Singing Bicycles, (In collaboration with Godfried-Willem Raes
- Klankboot en Toetkuip (idem)
- Le Grand Coucou, (In collaboration with Godfried-Willem Raes
- <Rooie Niki>, by Godfried-Willem Raes (1998)
Publications and essays
In English:
- 'Auto-Author'
- "Intermedia Myth" publication of scores, poems etc. (1986)
- Annea Lockwood (Gynaikabook)
- Performance Festival Japan
- Traditional Maori-music from New-Zealand
In German
- Festival St. Johns, Canada in "Musiktexte"
In het Nederlands: [Dutch]:
- Logos-Blad (diverse bijdragen en reisverslagen)
- Annea Lockwood (Gynaika boek)
- Lijf tegen Lijf (ed.Kritak)
- Vrouwelijke Komponisten
- Traditionele Maori-muziek van Nieuw-Zeeland
- poes_ie
- Feminateek
- LP Bratschebraut, London, Horn of Plenty
- Sacred Balinese Soundies, Mauro's Song New York, Kye
- Indian Soundies with Graham Lambkin, New York, Kye
- Sounds of Sacred Places re-release on CD, New York, Kye
- Review of Sounds of Sacred Places in The Wire
- CD Crete Soundies (one track with Françoise Vanhecke), New York, Kye
- CD Soundies New York, Kye
- CD: <BasiaMo> by Barbara Buchowiec and Moniek Darge...
- CD: <Cyclic> by MoKa...
- Logos Works, New York City, XI-records
- Complete discography Moniek Darge

Artistic collaborations
Stefanos Vassiliadis, Anestis Logothetis (+), Alison Knowles, Charlie Morrow, Godfried-Willem Raes, Rui Calapez-Gomes, Carlos Trindade, Michael Juellich, David Moss, Jane Henry, John Zorn, La Donna Smith, Gyde Knebusch, Ann Van Coillie, Annea Lockwood, Anna Homler, Karin De Fleyt, Nicole Ledegen, Francesca Verbauwhede, Benn Deceuninck, Carla Bracke, Joachim Brackx, Paul Darge, Mary Oliver, Mathieu Werchowski, Kristof Lauwers, Helen White, Brent Wetters, Vanessa Defauw, Eva Vandevoorde, Bruno Debusschere, Stefaan Smagghe, Emily De Vlam, Hisako Horikawa, Kris Wuytack, Pieter Derdeyn, Leonaar De Graeve, Thomas Smetryns, Barbara Buchowiec, Jelle Meander, Francoise Van Hecke, Nicoletta Branchini, Marian De Schryver, Maja Jantar, Yvan Vander Sanden, Zam Ebale, Willy Van Buggenhout, Mike Goyvaerts, Brigitte Kupper, Gala Hummel, Norbert Zajac, Iouri Grankin...
Available MP3 and RealAudio fragments
- Caete (MP3, 532 Kb)
- Fantasy C/V: Aurora-Harpje (MP3, 380 Kb)
- Dark Waves (RealAudio, 185 Kb)
- Man-Mo (MP3, 285 Kb)
- Moka: Cyclic (with Karin De Fleyt, MP3, 133 Kb)
- Sand (RealAudio, 169 Kb)
- ShSh (MP3, 469 Kb)
- Solstice Event: Grote Klok (MP3, 475 Kb)
- Stormfugle (MP3, 469 Kb)
- Verbondenheid (MP3, 523 Kb)
EDUCATION: Former assistant professor at the Hogeschool Gent: Academy of Fine Arts and Music Conservatory departments
ONDERWIJS: Hogeschool Gent
Webpages voor oud-studenten departement Academie:
Cursus Kunstgeschiedenis
Seminarie Buiten-Europese kunst- en muziekgeschiedenis
- - partim: etnische culturen (Oceanië, Inuit, Zwart-Afrika)
- - partim: Aziatische culturen (Indonesië, Mongolië, India)
Webpage voor oud-studenten departement Muziek
Published on the web by , Xavier Verhelst and Moniek Darge