lpd 007: Automaton
recording: Godfried-Willem Raes & Guy de Bi�vre
CD Mastering: Guy De Bi�vre
<Klung>, <Thunderwood>, <Piperola>, <Harma>, <Rotomoton>,
<Troms>, <PlayerPiano>, <Springers>
programmed by Godfried-Willem Raes, Kristof Lauwers and Thomas Smetryns.
Prijs: 10,00 Euro, binnenlandse verzending = 2,50 Euro, internationale verzending = 5 Euro
Price: 15,00 Euro international shipping included
Order via email: info -at- logosfoundation.org
Godfried-Wilem Raes' music automats
Building musical robots has been an ongoing activity in the Logos Labs since the very beginning in the late sixties. It is a logical outflow of our investigations into the development of new tools for musical expression. A mere consequence of the laboratory research into experimental instrument building. The automats documented individually on this CD are all pure acoustical: drums, organpipes, angklungs, shakers, springs� However, these sound sources are exclusively activated by electromechanical means. Controll happens through our own GMT software. Since space available in the booklet with the CD is extremely limited, we could not document each automat in detail, and thus we decided to couple this CD to this fixed link on our website.
muziekautomaten van Godfried-Willem Raes
Het ontwerpen en bouwen van muzikale robots in het vrij unieke atelier van Stichting Logos is een logisch uitvloeisel van haar experimenteel wetenschappelijke inzet voor de ontwikkeling van eigentijdse werktuigen voor muzikale expressie. Het volgt als het ware logisch uit de hedendaagse instrumentenbouw zelf. De op deze CD gedokumenteerde automaten zijn zuiver akoestisch: trommels, orgelpijpen, angklungs, maracas, veren... alleen de bespeling ervan gebeurt integraal langs elektromechanische weg en wordt gestuurd vanuit speciaal daarvoor ontwikkelde software. Omdat we op de bijsluiter van de CD onmogelijk elke automaat konden beschrijven, hebben we deze CD gekoppeld aan deze vaste link op de logos website.
This album is the first one devoted to musical automats build by one of the worlds most outstanding experimental instrument builders, Godfried-Willem Raes (b. 1952). More information on him can be found at: www.logosfoundation.org/index-god.html
Since the booklet with the CD does not allow a complete documentation on the instruments documented on this CD, nor on the recorded pieces,this page gives full details connected to the CD.
Instrument details can be found by clicking on the pictures or the name of of the instruments. Composition details, by clicking on the titles of the compositions. The MP3 let you listen to a small representative sample of each track on the CD.
All compositions were written in the authors own <GMT> composition language.
(*) <gmt> GMT is a programming environment written by Godfried-Willem Raes specially for real time algorithmic composition. It behaves as a superset of Basic and uses Power Basic's super fast and efficient Basic compiler (PBDLL compiler). Real time audio processing, complete real time midi support, granular synthesis as well as treatment of musical syntax and musical pattern recognition are amongst the most striking capabilities of the system. People interested should check the appropriate links on the Logos Website. (http://www.logosfoundation.org). The complete package is public domain and is available in zipped form from the site. Supported platforms are: Windows98, Windows Millennium and all Windows NT versions including Windows 2000.
last update: 2009-01-11