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Godfried-Willem Raes
Compositions written in 2007
[English] [Dutch] [German] French
Catalogue of Works. (many scores can be downloaded)
- "007 Marsch", for <Bako> and <Snar> with optional choreography for two dancers
- Gestrobo Study: <Bako>, for invisible instrument, <Bako> and a nude player.
- Picrada Study <PicBak>, for microwave radar sensing devices and a nude player.
- Fuzzy Harmony Study #13, for piano or robot orchestra.
- Gestrobo Study <Qt>, for invisible instrument, <Qt> and a nude player
- 'Qt Split', for microwave radar sensing devices, Qt and two nude players.
- "Geroxy", for invisible instrument, <Xy>and a nude player
- "Picrarada Study: <Xy>", for microwave radar sensing devices and a nude player.
- "Afro Casta", for <Casta Due>
- "Vlam & Co", for <Casta Uno> and <Casta Due>
- "Grays 4 Casta", for <Casta Due>
- "PicraCasta", for <Casta Due> and two nude performers.
- "Qua Casta", for <Casta Uno> and <Casta Due> with one or two nude dancers.
- "Gestro Casta", for <Casta Uno> and <Casta Due> with one or two nude dancers.
- "Wouwel", for <Qt> solo. [mp3]
- "Tango Tre", for the M&M robot orchestra. (orchestrated by Sebastian Bradt)
- "Simb'Aspic", for the <Simba> robot and a nude performer. (Pic-Radar Study)
- "Akafest", akademische feestouverture voor <Qt>
- "Qtree", quartertone triad study #1, for <Qt>
- 'Rotom' for <Rotomoton> and one to four nude dancers using the Quadrada interface (Quadrada Study #16)
- "De weg, der Weg, the way" , for robot orchestra, HY1 hybrid sensor and a naked actor (act in Technofaustus)
- "Religionszwang", for <Hurdy> solo
- "Handy Troms", for <Troms> and the <Handy> interface.
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