Logos Productions: | ensembles | projects | concerts worldwide | logos public domain |
A Logos Production
Godfried-Willem Raes, Laura Maes, Kristof
Lauwers & Mattias Parent
When we built and realized Godfried-Willem Raes' second symphony, scored for 12 to 24 singing bicycles we have always been confronted with the sheer impossibility to make a decent recording of the piece. By the very concept of the moving bicycles through a given city, any listener can at the most get to hear a snapshot of the symphony. Just enough to get intrigued. If you were, as a performer on one of the bikes at the other hand, it wasn't possible to hear the symphony as a whole, as you got to hear mostly your own 'instrument'. In 2015 we were commisioned an interactive musical installation project for the Bing Bang Festival and we took up the singing bicycles concept again, applying it this time to hometrainers.
Here are some pictures of a try-out performance at Logos, using only
six prepared home trainers: After this performance the project was transported to Lisbon, Portugal. In november it will reappeared at De Singel in Antwerp, Bozar in Brussels, Handelsbeurs in Ghent and in Lille (France) at the opera house.
Collaborators on the construction of the Howling Hometrainers project:
The full installation consists of a minimum of ten prepared hometrainers. | ||||
Performances: 24-25 october 2015: Big Bang Festival, Lisbon, Portugal 1th november 2015: Big Bang Festival, De Singel, Antwerp, Flanders 8th and 9th november 2015: Bozar, Bruxelles, Belgique 15th november 2015: Handelsbeurs, Gent, Flanders 21th and 22nd november 2015: Opera, Lille, France 11th of april to 30 september 2016: Veere, Grote Kerk, Netherlands 27th-28th may 2016, Stavanger, Norway
february 10th and 11th , 2017, Enschede, Netherlands: |