Godfried-Willem Raes
'Jeu final'
for large robot orchestra
This is a composition with a duration of 9 minutes written for almost all musical robots that are permanently installed in the Logos Tetrahedron as of august 2021. It was written as a demonstration of some of the features of the complete orchestra. The first sketches of the piece were written in the winter of 2020, but the piece was only finished in the summer of 2021.
Robots appearing in this piece:
track 1 name:<_llor>
track 2 name:<_2Pi>
track 3 name:<_hybrlo>
track 4 name:<_balsi>
track 5 name:<_thunderwood>
track 6 name:<_player>
track 7 name:<_harma>
track 8 name:<_bono>
track 9 name:<_belly>
track 10 name:<_qt>
track 11 name:<_qtq>
track 12 name:<_xy>
track 13 name:<_xyq>
track 14 name:<_vacca>
track 15 name:<_bug>
track 16 name:<_korn>
track 17 name:<_klar>
track 18 name:<_psch>
track 19 name:<_puff>
track 20 name:<_chi>
track 21 name:<_temblo>
track 22 name:<_simba>
track 23 name:<_tinti>
track 24 name:<_vibi>
track 25 name:<_tubi>
track 26 name:<_whisper>
track 27 name:<_toypi>
track 28 name:<_autosax>
track 29 name:<_asa>
track 30 name:<_flut>
track 31 name:<_horny>
track 32 name:<_spiro>
track 33 name:<_snar>
track 34 name:<_fa>
track 35 name:<_heli>
track 36 name:<_so>
track 37 name:<_ob>
track 38 name:<_per>
track 39 name:<_troms>
track 40 name:<_hunt>
track 41 name:<_springers>
track 42 name:<_bello>
track 43 name:<_vibi>
track 44 name:<_tubi>
track 45 name:<_pos>
track 46 name:<_klung>
track 47 name:<_hybr>
track 48 name:<_tubo>
track 49 name:<_sire>
track 50 name:<_bomi>
Premiered: august 15th 2021: Logos Tetrahedron in Ghent.
Here is an mp3 recording of this performance
The score has undergone some minor changes and updates in 2022 and 2023.
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P.S.: Voor uitvoeringen noch reprodukties van dit stuk moeten noch mogen auteursrechten worden betaald. Elke poging tot inning van auteursrechten, door welke instantie ook, naar aanleiding van publieke uitvoeringen van dit stuk kan gerechterlijk als poging tot afpersing worden vervolgd. Elke feitelijke inning is afpersing en diefstal en kan als dusdanig worden vervolgd.
Technical notes:
midi format 1 file to be played using the GMT midi player. Note that a minimum of 5 midi output ports are required to perform this piece.
Here is a link to the midi file.
duration: 9'06"