Job opportunities at Logos

Schooled dancers with musical skills and a lively interest in experimental music

We are looking for dance artists (female/male) that want to collaborate and further explore and develop our experimental productions with the Logos robot orchestra controlled by sonar and radar gesture sensors. Since the interfaces depend on reflection from the moving body, candidates have to be prepared to perform naked. No erotic dance nor sex involved. For more technical and artistic background information, we refer to our articles on gesture control and namuda dance on this website. An article about the nakedness is also available. We are in the process of creating a fixed professional small dance company in conjunction with the Logos robot orchestra. Enquire about our introductory workshops.

an intro is also available here:

Zelfstandig lasser

Wij zoeken voor verder konstruktiewerk aan ons gebouw een goede elektrode lasser. Geschatte duur van het werk: ca. 1 week.


Wij zoeken een goede schrijnwerker / timmerman voor het aanbrengen van een planken plafond in ons laboratorium voor elektronika.

Address/ Adres: Logos Foundation / Stichting Logos
Kongostraat 35, B-9000 Gent, Flanders
