Departement Muziek & Drama - Onderzoek in de kunsten
Sebastian Bradt's verzamelde websites met betrekking tot mikrotonaliteit
Voor algemene introduktie omtrent mikrotonen, notatie en
toepasbaarheid, zou ik eerst en vooral aanraden aan elke geinteresseerde student:
www.xs4all.nl/~huygensf/ (update: link werkt niet meer)
- http://www.microtonal.co.uk Graham Breed's microtonal website
- http://sonic-arts.org/darreg Ivor Darreg's complete musical writings
- http://tunesmithy.netfirms.com/on_site_tree/tree.html Frequently Asked Questions about tuning from the Tuning List members
- http://tonalsoft.com/enc/encyclopedia.aspxJoe Monzo's Encyclopedia of tuning at Tonalsoft
- http://www.nmt.edu/~jstarret/microtone.html John Starrett's microtonal music links
(many but many broken)
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/phoebe/accordion/accordion-tuning.html Accordion tuning
- http://www.ausbell.com/index.html Australian harmonic bells
- http://www.phys.uniroma1.it/DOCS/MUSEO/acu34.htm Pietro Blaserna: 48-tone Harmonium
- http://www.marcoblaauw.com Marco Blaauw: Janus-trumpet
- http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk Bosanquet's Enharmonic Harmonium
- http://www.orgelsindrenthe.nl/nederlands/haveltet.html Chamadron
- http://users.belgacom.net/beiaardnieuwpoort/beinptnl.htm Diachromatic Carillon of Nieuwpoort
- http://www.wmich.edu/mus-theo/groven David Løberg Code: Groven Piano Project
- http://www.oud.gr Nikos Dimitriadis: Oud
- http://www.deandrummond.com/zoomprimer.htm Dean Drummond: Zoomoozophone primer
- http://idrs.colorado.edu/bsnfing/finghome.htm Terry Ewell: The bassoon-family fingering companion
- http://www.windworld.com Experimental Musical Instruments
- http://www.sfoxclarinets.com/bpclar.html Stephen Fox: Bohlen-Pierce clarinet
- http://www.anaphoria.com/musinst.html Kraig Grady: Musical instruments and tunings
- http://members.aol.com/gravikord/article.html Bob Grawi: Gravikord
- http://www.orgelhuset.org/ Eivind Groven's Organ House
- http://users.leedsalumni.org.uk/kristfurevns/gq-tm.html The Guqin - tunings and modes
- http://www.hibberts.co.uk Bill Hibbert: The sound and tuning of bells
- http://www.uk-piano.org/edfoote/ Historical temperament tunings on the modern concert piano
- http://www.wimkamp.org/instruments/Harpsichord/harpsichord.html Wim Kamp: Harpsichord
- http://www.nonoctave.com/heroes/buzz/instruments.html Buzz Kimball: Instruments
- http://www.brannenflutes.com/kingma.htm The Kingma System Flute
- http://www.naturton-musik.de/English_version/instruments.html Johannes Kotschy: Escalophon
- http://www-personal.umich.edu/~emacpher/pipes.html Ewan Macpherson: Bagpipe index
- http://www.patmissin.com/tunings/tunings.html Pat Missin: Alternate tunings for the harmonica
- http://stockholm.music.museum/ Peter Samuel Munck: 19-tone harmonium
- http://www.hetorgel.nl Het Orgel: Online magazine on European organ art
- http://perso.wanadoo.fr/organ-au-logis/index.htm Orgues à nos logis
- http://www.c21-orch-instrs.demon.co.uk Patrick Ozzard-Low: 21st Century Orchestral Instruments. Acoustic instruments for alternative tuning systems
- http://website.lineone.net/~david.parfitt/ David Parfitt: The Oud
- http://www.eyeneer.com/CCM/Composers/Partch/Instruments/ Harry Partch instrument gallery
- http://www.musicmavericks.org/features/feature_partch.html Play the virtual Harry Partch instruments
- http://jeanpierre.poulin.free.fr/InstruMICRO.htm Jean-Pierre Poulin: Instruments microtonals
- http://www.silkqin.com/08anal/tuning.htm Qin Tunings, with Special Reference to Shen Qi Mi Pu
- http://www.wfg.woodwind.org/sax_index.html Timothy Reichard: Quartertone fingering chart for saxophone
- http://dinarra.lookscool.com Eduardo Sábat: Dinarra - 53-tone guitar
- http://sonic-arts.org/gallery.html Sonic Arts instrument gallery
- http://www.hansandrestamm.de/enharmen.htm Hans-André Stamm: The enharmonic pipe organ
- http://www.nmt.edu/~jstarret/guitar.html John Starrett: Convert your old guitar to a microtonal instrument
- http://www.xs4all.nl/~huygensf/doc/terpgit.html Siemen Terpstra: An integrated colour-code for microtonal guitar fret-boards
- http://www.infosys.it/pamparato/ima/ma/ma81/tastiere.html Marco Tiella: reconstruction of the Archicembalo
- http://www.earlyflute.com/pages/traversotuning.htm Traverso tuning and temperaments
- The Analude
- ANS synthesizer
- Jacques Dudon: Photosonic disk
- Harold Fortuin: The Clavette keyboard
- History of electronic and computer music including automatic instruments and composition machines
- Johannes Kotschy: New Keyboard
- Peter Lertes: The Hellertion and Heliophon
- Jörg Mager: The Electrophon, Sphéraphon, Partiturophon and the Kaleidophon
- Maurice Martenot: The Ondes-Martenot
- Microtonal synthesis : list of synthesizers, samplers, pianos, portable keyboards, sound cards and software synthesizers with user programmable scales or tunings.
- Microtonal keyboards from Starr Labs: MicroZone and ZBoard
- MIDI Manufacturers Association: MIDI Tuning Specification 1.0
- Monolith MIDI Keyboard
- Gary Morrison: Microtuning the Yamaha VL70-m Virtual Acoustic Synthesizer
- Lev Sergeivitch Termen: The Theremin
- The Continuum Fingerboard
- Friedrich Trautwein: The Trautonium, Mixtur-Trautonium, Radio Trautonium and Concert-Trautonium ; The Monochord
- Das digitale Trautonium and The Trautonium Project
- Erv Wilson: 31-tone instrument patent
- Yamaha: 19-tone keyboard patent
- Christopher Bailey: Piece in 19-tET and JI
- Graham Breed: Music
- Buyo-Buyo: SaRiGaMa music
- Kyle Gann: Music
- Stefan Hagel: Ancient Greek Music
- Jeff Harrington: Music
- Andrew Heathwaite: MP3 files
- Ertugrul Inang: List of works
- Ralph Jarzombek: Microtonal music
- Buzz Kimball: Sound files
- Pierre Lewis' tuning and temperament demos
- Making Microtonal Music
- Rick McGowan: Music
- Herman Miller: The Music Page
- Herman Miller: The Warped Canon Page and Pavane for a Warped Princess
- Microtonal MIDI files
- Joe Monzo: List of works with MIDI files
- Mats Öljare: MIDI compositions - microtonal MP3
- Joseph Pehrson: MP3 files
- Boudewijn Rempt: Andal music
- Prent Rodgers: Microtonal music
- Dante Rosati's music
- Robert Ross: 19-tone madrigals in Flash
- John Sankey: Harpsichord MIDI recordings
- William Sethares: Xentonality
- Alessandro Simonetto: Kunst der Fuge
- Gene Ward Smith: Microtonal music
- Gene Ward Smith: Mad Science Tuning
- Hans-André Stamm: Enharmonic composition
- Dan Stearns: Microtonal Music
- Tonalsoft: Free Music Downloads
- Robert Walker: Improvisations and Tunes
- Actuele Muziek
- Association Ivan Wyschnegradsky
- Boston Microtonal Society
- Centre for Microtonal Music
- Centre for New Musical Instruments (CNMI) at London Guildhall University
- Chrysalis Foundation
- Contemporary Music Through Non-Western Techniques
- The Diapason Press
- Dutch Society for Ethnomusicology and Worldmusic Arnold Bake
- Frog Peak Music
- Gaudeamus Foundation
- Internationale Gesellschaft für Ekmelische Musik
- International Lambdoma Research Institute
- The Just Intonation Network
- The Karnatic Lab
- The Logos Foundation
- LucyScaleDevelopments
- MELA Foundation
- Microfest
- microMegas
- Microtonal Projects
- http://musicnotation.org" target=_blank>The Music Notation Project
- Musicology-Online: Doctoral Dissertations
- Muziekcentrum De IJsbreker
- NewMusicBox: Web magazine from American Music Center
- The Augusto Novaro Society
- The British Harry Partch Society
- P-ART Journal
- Pitch for the International Microtonalist
- Richter Herf-Institut für musikalische Grundlagenforschung
- Society for Music Theory
- Sonic Arts Institute
- Spolecnost pro mikrointervalovou hudbu (SMIM)
- Stichting BAM
- World Harmony Project
- Xenharmonikôn, an informal journal devoted to all aspects of microtonal and xenharmonic music
For links to performers see: Directory of microtonal groups and performers with addresses (partly in Dutch)
Mailing lists
- Tuning List, the largest e-mail forum about music and tuning
- Tuning List Archive and Mills Tuning List Archive
- Make Micro Music, like the Tuning List but more about actually making music
- Tuning-Math, like the Tuning List but for folks who want to get mathematical
- Tuning-Math List Archive
- List of microtonal groups at Yahoo
- La liste mamuphi@listes.ircam.fr, Séminaire math musique philosophie
- John Allen: notation for microtonal scales
- Armodue
- Robert Asmussen: Tuning by Ratios
- Bach Cantatas: Temperament / Key Character
- Dave Benson: Mathematics and Music
- Terry Blackburn: Alternate Temperaments: Theory and Philosophy (The beginner's field guide to alternate temperaments)
- Heinz Bohlen: The Bohlen-Pierce site
- Graham Breed: Catalogue of linear temperaments
- Norman Carey and David Clampitt: Self-similar Pitch Structures, Their Duals, and Rhythmic Analogs
- Ross Duffin: Why I hate Vallotti (or is it Young?)
- Edward Dunne: Pianos and Continued Fractions
- Paul Erlich: A gentle introduction to Fokker periodicity blocks
- Paul Erlich: Tuning, Tonality and Twenty-Two-Tone Temperament
- Paul Erlich: microtonal music theory
- Laurent Fichet: Science et Musique
- Chris Forster: Musical Mathematics
- Laurent Gautier: Gammes et théories musicales
- Jürgen Grönewald: Mikrotonale Differenzen musikalischer Temperaturen
- Paul Hahn: Music Theory
- Jeff Harrington: Making Microtonal Music with Software
- Paul Hirsh: Atlas of Tonespace
- Aaron Hunt: Theory
- Aaron Hunt: Emancipation of Pitch
- David Keenan and George Secor: Sagittal notation
- Reinhard Kopiez: Intonation experiment
- Vladimir Ladma: Music theory
- Henzo Lafuente: Microtonalismo y Afinaciónes alternativas
- Pierre Lewis: Understanding Temperaments
- Stephen Malinowski: Music pages
- The Meantone temperament Home Page
- Werner Mohrlok: Hermode program controlled tuning
- Mark Nowitzky: Just Intonation
- Jean-Pierre Poulin: La petite encyclopédie des échelles et des modes
- Kees van Prooijen: Music
- William Sethares: Research
- Gene Ward Smith: Xenharmony
- Norman Sohl: An Atlas of Consonance
- Solomon's Music Theory and Composition Resources
- Hans Straub: MaMuTh Page
- Rick Tagawa: 72 Tone Equal Temperament
- Ernst Terhardt: Psychophysics research papers
- Chris Tyler: Musical Tuning and Temperament
- The Erv Wilson Archive and Wilson Archive - Related Papers
- Bill Alves: The Just Intonation System of Nicola Vicentino
- Guido of Arezzo: Micrologus de disciplina artis musicae
- Patrice Bailhache: La Musique traduite en Mathématiques: Leonhard Euler
Joe Monzo's English translation
- Bibliographie zur Musiktheorie des Mittelalters
- Herbert Anton Kellner: Well-tempered tuning for Bach
- Bradley Lehman: Johann Sebastian Bach's tuning
- Margo Schulter: Articles on early music harmony and tuning
- Thesaurus Musicarum Italicarum
- Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum
- Traités Français sur la musique
- Bill Alves: Graphic Representation of Some Gamelan Tunings
- Mohan Ayyar: Carnatic Corner
- Haresh Bakshi: Sound of India
- David Courtney: Tuning the tabla
- Alain Daniélou
- Gamelan mailing list archive
- Laurent Gautier: Les shrutis en musique indienne
- Indonesian music
- Maqam World
- Persian classical music
- The Guqin - tunings and modes
- Turkish makams and music theory
- Qin Tuning, with special reference to Shen Qi Mi Pu
- Ueli Raz: Einführungen in die Sitar
- John Spirakis: Byzantine Music
- Wolfgang Martin Stroh: "Mira" und die Stimmung des Bremer Gamelan
- Vidyasankar Sundaresan: The theory of 22 srutis
- Mary Ackerley
- Susan Alexjander
- Bill Alves
- Didier Aschour
- Henk Badings
- Christopher Bailey
- Claude Ballif
- Alain Bancquart
- Klarenz Barlow
- Hans Barnard
- Sergio Barroso
- David Beardsley
- John Beckwith
- Anton de Beer
- John Bischoff
- Easley Blackwood
- Richard Boulanger
- Donald Bousted
- Warren Burt
- David Canright
- Wendy Carlos
- Julián Carrillo
- Jon Catler
- Gloria Coates
- Mildred Couper
- Pascale Criton
- Andrew Culver
- Ivor Darreg
- Hugh Davies
- Chris Dench
- Jan van Dijk
- David Doty
- Dean Drummond
- Jacques Dudon
- John Eaton
- Jason Eckardt
- Ivo van Emmerik
- Julio Estrada
- José Evangelista
- David Finnamore
- Paul Fly
- John Fonville
- Daniel Forré
- Cris Forster
- Harold Fortuin
- John Foulds
- Mamoru Fujieda
- Kyle Gann
- Annie Gosfield
- Kraig Grady
- Erik Griswold
- Eivind Groven
- John Gzowski
- Georg Friedrich Haas
- Alois Hába
- Georg Hajdu
- Garth Hangartner
- Lou Harrison
- Jonathan Harvey
- Neil Haverstick
- Rozalie Hirs
- Sten Höstfält
- Klaus Huber
- Peter Lucas Hulen
- Charles Ives
- Aaron Johnson
- Ben Johnston
- Marc Jones
- Christiaan de Jong
- Jeronimas Kacinskas
- Mykhaylo Khramov
- Buzz Kimball
- Johannes Kotschy
- Hans Kox
- Stanislav Kozadayev
- Anne La Berge
- Bernhard Lang
- Steven Lantner
- Elodie Lauten
- Claude Ledoux
- Ton de Leeuw
- Gijs Levelt
- Györgi Ligeti
- Alain Louvier
- Henry Lowengard
- Francisco Luque
- Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf
- Joel Mandelbaum
- Joseph Maneri
- Luc Marcel
- Jean-Etienne Marie
- Bruce Mather
- Ned McGowan
- Paul Méfano
- Guisepp Mendoza
- Joseph Monzo
- Frederick Moore
- Pauline Oliveros
- Gérard Pape
- Harry Partch and the British Harry Partch Society
- Joseph Pehrson
- Krzysztof Penderecki
- Larry Polansky
- Rod Poole
- Horatio Radulescu
- Hans Reichel
- Rafael Reina
- Karel Reiner
- Johnny Reinhard
- Richard Rijnvos
- Terry Riley
- Prent Rodgers
- Dante Rosati
- Mathew Rosenblum
- Ned Rothenberg
- Marc Sabat
- Giacinto Scelsi
- Greg Schiemer
- Allan Schindler
- Jeff Scott
- Murat Ses
- Adam Silverman
- Ezra Sims
- Martin Smolka
- Manfred Stahnke
- Viktor Suslin
- Hans-André Stamm
- Volker Staub
- Dan Stearns
- Ernstalbrecht Stiebler
- James Tenney
- Jeroen Paul Thesseling
- Jukka Tiensuu
- Frances-Marie Uitti
- Klaas de Vries
- Leo de Vries
- Samuel Vriezen
- Julia Werntz
- John Winiarz
- Daniel Wolf
- James Wood
- Ivan Wyschnegradsky
- Iannis Xenakis
- Franck Yeznikian
- La Monte Young
- Joji Yuasa
- Jos Zwaanenburg
Software, Free- or shareware
- Adaptun by William Sethares
- Agnula free software project
- athenaCL by Christopher Ariza
- Audio Compositor by Scott Mitchell
- Autobusk by Clarence Barlow
- Auto Tune by AnalogX
- Auto Tuner for Shakuhachi by Tatsuaki Kuroda
- Cecilia Csound front end
- Chromatia Tuner by FMJ-Software
- Common Music by CCRMA
- CSFE, Eartrainer and Pitchtrack by Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu
- Csound
- CsoundVST by Michael Gogins
- Diamond Marimba applet by Prent Rodgers
- EPS for JI by David Canright
- FluteCalc by Christopher Chapman
- Fractal Tune Smithy by Robert Walker
- GeoMaestro by Stéphane Rollandin
- GMut by Rüdiger Krause
- Harmonic Analyser, MidiTemper and PianoTuner by Fred Nachbaur
- JICalc by Carter Scholz
- JI Relay by John deLaubenfels
- Just Intonation Ear Trainer by Bill Alves
- Kora Jaliya by Harald Loquenz
- L'il Miss' Scale Oven (commercial/demo), IntervalCalc (shareware) and Nuscale by Jeff Scott
- Lime Music Notation Software by CERL Sound Group
- Linear temperament finder applet by Graham Breed
- Linux music software page by Dave Phillips
- Linux music software quick toots
- Magnus' Plugins, JI synth
- Max Magic Microtuner by Victor Cerullo
- Megamid MIDI file player
- Microtonal score to MIDI applet by Christopher Bailey
- MIDI to CSound converter by Rüdiger Borrmann
- MIDI Relay and Midiconv by Graham Breed
- MidiPipe
- MPEG-4 Structured Audio
- Music software - Shareware Music Machine
Music software - Shareware Music Machine: Tuners
- Mutabor by Bernhard Ganter et al.
- Open Tuning by Philippe Gruchet
- Pareto: patches for the analysis and the resynthesis of musical scales in ethnomusicology by Fabien Levy
- PC Theremin Shockwave applet
- Pd by Miller Puckette
- Pitchtune oscilloscope-style tuner by Håkon André Hjortland
- Quintet.net by Georg Hajdu
- Real-time granular synthesizer by Marcel Wierckx
- The RealTime Tuner
- Scala by Manuel Op de Coul from this website
- Scala and Fractal Tune Smithy combined installer
- Scale Browser Database by Guiseppi Mendoza
- Scale by Albert Gräf
- Sfront by John Lazzaro
- Silence by Michael Gogins
- Supercollider by James McCartney
- Tantrum by Stephen Malinowsky
- Tao physical model synthesiser by Mark Pearson
- Temperament spreadsheet by Bradley Lehman
- Timidity MIDI to WAVE converter/player by Masanao Izumo and others
- Timidity++ Experimental version and latest binary
- Tune!it by Detlef Volkmer
- TuneMaster by F.R. Feenstra
- Tuner 6.2 by Jacob Breetvelt
- Tuner applet by Pierre Lewis
- Tuning and timbre applet by James Forrest
- Unerhörte Geometrie applet by Mona Brand and Thomas Noll
- Virtual 31-tone Fokker keyboard applet and 31-tone Bosanquet keyboard applet by Paul Hirsh
- Wavanal for bell tuning analysis by Bill Hibbert
- Windchime Designer by Greg Philips
- WinTemper tuner by Mark Wilkes
- Zarlino by Olivier Bettens and Jean-Pierre Vidal
- Zinf Audio Player
- ZynAddSubFX software synthesizer by Paul Nasca
- AnaMark softsynth (Mark Henning)
- Auto-Tune (Antares Audio Technologies)
- Audite! (whc Musiksoftware)
- Cybertuner piano tuning program (Reyburn)
- Ekmelia (Heinz Malsy)
- Harmony Assistant/Melody Assistant (Myriad Software)
- HMSL: Hierarchical Music Specification Language (Frog Peak)
- Instrument-Tuner
- JMSL: Java Music Specification Language (Algomusic)
- Kyma (Symbolic Sound Corporation)
- Max/MSP (Cycling '74)
- MetaSynth (U&I softwares)
- Microtonal software for the Ensoniq Mirage (Upward Concepts)
- Midicode Synthesizer (Peter Frazer)
- MIDI Micro Tone (John Dunn & Algorithmic Arts)
- Musica (Tonalsoft)
- November Font for Finale (Klemm)
- Orion Platinum (Synapse Audio Software)
- Pitch Palette (Justonic Tuning Inc)
- Pro-52, FM7 and Reaktor softsynths (Native Instruments)
- SwarShala (Swar Systems)
- Symbolic Composer (Tonality Systems)
- VAZ Plus, Modular, 2001 (STL)
- World Music Menu (Free Play Production)
- Z3ta+ Waveshaping Synthesizer (rcgAudio)
- Phil Burk's computer music links
- Spud DuBoise's links
- Andrew Heathwaite's Microtonal Listening List
- Just Intonation Network's links
- John Starrett's links
Voor algemene, min of meer vakkundige info en downloadbare software;
http://tonalsoft.com (heeft soms kuren in het downloaden)
musicmavericks.publicradio.org/features/feature_partch.html - 81k -
musicmavericks.publicradio.org/features/essay_partchworld.html - 20k -
Op deze site kan elke bezoeker een icoontje van Partch's instrumenten aanklikken en hen rechtstreeks bespelen.
www.americanmavericks.com/prog_notes/june_15.html - 18k -
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Partch - 20k - In cache - Gelijkwaardige pagina's